Ask the Grower

Ask the Grower

Monday, 19 October 2009 13:26

Keith Davey Pistache Questions

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Several questions have come in on the Keith Davey Chinese Pistache Question: What is the difference between Keith Davey and the Chinese Pistache Seedling?   Answer: The Keith Davey Chinese Pistache (Pistachio chinensis) is a budded selection chosen for its superior fall color and seedless nature.  By budding the wood from this tree we can duplicate these consistent and predictable characteristics for each tree planted.  On the other hand, the seedling Chinese Pistache is variable. …
Tuesday, 13 October 2009 12:49

Late Season Peach

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Question: I love peaches but do not have any to harvest after August. What late season peaches are available? Answer: Over the years there have been many late ripening peaches offered through the nursery trade but the number of people passionate like you for late season peaches are fewer in number. Once school starts and the heat of summer fades, so does some of the gardening interest - at least until the Pomegranates and Persimmons…
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