L.E. Cooke Company

Tuesday, 04 August 2009 03:00

Persimmon Fruit Drop

Homeowners often call their local nursery with a question:  Why does my Persimmon Tree drop its fruit at an immature stage?

Juvenile Persimmons


On a mature tree, first choice is often excess nitrogen/fertilizers.  Second is over watering.  Most often I see the problem with Persimmons planted in a lawn where both happen.  A third option is not enough sun - planted in too much shade.

More indepth information can be found at these links:

CRFG Persimmon Fruit Facts

Plant Answers - Persimmons

Plant Forum on Persimmon Fertilizing  


Another area to consider - a young persimmon is not going to produce very tasty fruit until it is a few years old.  A heavy set of fruit on a young tree steals the nutrients needed for growing the tree and puts it into fruit growth.  A wise person who wants a more mature tree sooner would strip off the fruit for a few years and enjoy the feast the 3rd and later years.  If nothing else, he should radically thin the fruit on that young tree.