Question: I was given a dwarf fig tree for Christmas sent from you. It has been growing beautifully up until a couple of weeks ago. It has been in my sun room the whole time. The leaves are getting splotchy and one is almost completely yellow, and just fell off. I don't know what to do!! Help me please. Janice, Pagosa Springs, Colorado.
Answer: Your question raises a lot of other questions. Since we do not sell retail, I doubt if we sent the fig directly to you. You must have received if from some other source with our tags on it. If it came from us at Christmas, it would have been bareroot and no leaves on it.
One big possibility: Figs are deciduous - meaning it goes dormant in the winter and loses its leaves - at least the kind we grow. Normally this happens with colder days and shorter nights. If you received it around Christmas with leaves on it, that means it did not yet go dormant and it wants to. Losing leaves is normal and it will be leafless for a month or two before re-leafing.
Another possibility - figs are very water sensitive. Do not over water! Since I do not know what you got or from where - those are my best guesses.