Thursday, 04 November 2010 13:07

Ladyfinger vs Thompson Seedless Grapes

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Question: Is there a variety of grape called Lady Fingers?
Is the Thompson Seedless often referred to as a lady finger?

Betty - Fresno, CA

Answer: Thank you for your question.  Yes there is a grape called Ladyfinger.  In fact, we have in our orchards two selections of Ladyfinger.  For years we have been growing the Ladyfinger Calmeria selection and we are now half way through the process of converting our production over to the Ladyfinger Olivet Blanche selection which we feel is superior in taste, size and productivity based upon side by side comparisons in our orchards.


Ladyfinger Grape - Olivet Blanche selection (another month til harvest)

No, the Thompson Seedless Grape is not a Ladyfinger.  The Ladyfinger grape is a green, seeded table grape, much larger than the Thompson Seedless - mostly because of the large seed inside.  At one time the Ladyfinger grape was one of the most popular green grapes but ever since the Thompson Seedless Grape came along, the green seedless varieties have basically replaced Ladyfinger in demand and popularity. None the less, Ladyfinger is an excellent tasting grape - but with a seed.

Everyone knows the Thompson Seedless Grape because it was basically the first popular seedless grape and is the name that still pops first in consumer's minds making it our most popular seller for the homeowner market.  Thompson Seedless Grapes is the California name for the white seedless grape variety 'Sultana' which likely originated in Persia or modern-day Iran.  It was named after William Thompson who made it popular and was an early day grape grower near Yuba City, California.  At one time it was unquestionably the most planted grape in California for fresh eating and drying into raisins but new plantings of green seedless grapes are being made with newer varieties that produce larger fruit at different times of the summer.


Thompson Seedless Grapes

Thompson Seedless was the parent grape for much of the breeding efforts that have produced many of the other seedless varieties we have all come to love.

Seedless Grapes All Summer Long

There are now a multitude of seedless grapes available and we grow a large number of them.  Green/White, Red and Black/Purple selections.  For many climates there are selections for early season, mid season and late season seedless grapes - something we try to offer our retail customers.

Here is an example of all summer long seedless grapes for your Central California climate:


Early Green                     Mid Season Green             Late Season Green

Perlette or Delight           Thompson or Princess             Autumn Seedless


Early Season Red             Mid Season Red                  Late Season Red

Flame Seedless                Ruby or Canadice                 Crimson Seedless


Early Purple/Black      Mid Season Purple/Black       Late Season Purple/Black

Black Emerald          Black Monukka or Summer Royal        Autumn Royal



Ron Ludekens 11-5-2010