Wednesday, 18 May 2011 22:30

Everything About Peaches

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Clemson University Cooperative Extension has a website called "Everything About Peaches".  It is written by Dr. Desmond R. Layne.  It is full of interesting information.

I thought it was well done and worth using as a reference.  Only disappointing thing is the discouragement for homeowners to grow peaches but remember, he is in South Carolina where there are humidity and bug issues tougher than most other places.  Dr. Layne helps growers deal with these issues.


I would start in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section.  Some topics of interest:

Do peaches need a pollinizer?

Peach Thinning

How to Pick a ripe peach

Planting a tree too deep

Why do some peaches melt in your mouth while others have a rubbery texture and some are even crunchy?

Chilling Hours

Where did Peaches come from?

Nutrient Value of a Peach