Tuesday, 04 March 2014 18:09

Fan-Cris Pear History

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Fan-Cris Pear


Mr. Eddie Fanick gave the L. E. Cooke Co the Fan-StilTM pear which we liked.  Later he provided Fan-CrisTM which we planted in our orchard in 1981.  We had too many pears, so decided not to put into production.  The 1981 tree is still in Cooke I research orchard.  We did not treat the tree for pear blight and it sets a heavy crop of good pears every year.  The sales staff determined the pear was too good not to add to our selections and we added it in 2008.   We should have made this decision years earlier.

The fruit is medium to large bell shape. The flesh has a solid, creamy texture that crunches when you bite into it.  The pear is excellent for dessert use.  The tree has resistance to fire blight, sets a large crop and ripens from August into September.  The fruit holds well on the tree.  The Fan-CrisTM is a good backyard tree when able to pick 10 or more each day for weeks.

Bob Ludekens  1-14-2014

Fan-Cris™Pear Information Page - Point of Sale Page

Additional Fan-Cris™ Pear Photos