Two Saturdays ago (11/14/09) I took my camera for a walk through one of our fruit tree production fields. This is a two year field with one year tops. Here is some of what I saw - a very pleasing field even for my critical eye.
The first section is in the Cherry block.
Bing Cherries - Standard
Semi-Dwarf Black Tartarian Cherries
Black Tartarian Cherries - Standard
Montmorency Cherries
Rainier Cherries - Standard
Semi-Dwarf Cherry Block
Semi-Dwarf Apples (Red Fuji in center 2 rows.)
Granny Smith EZ-Pick Apple
EZ-Pick Arkansas Black Apples
Li Jujube - Notice the copious fruit from a grafted top only 9+ months old!

Fruit already setting on Izu Persimmon

Fruit already setting heavy on Maru Persimmon

Saijo Persimmons (more cold hardy than others)