Question: how many hours of full sun is minimum for Cookes Purple Wisteria. I want to plant along a porch but it is shaded in morning.
Valerie - Clearlake, CA
Answer: Wisteria thrives in full sun. That being said, I often see it planted on stout patio canopies and Arbors where it only gets sun half the day - the house or building shading it the rest of the day.
Here is an example:

In this photo taken late in the afternoon, this Cooke's Purple Wisteria is planted in an area that only gets sun in the afternoon facing west. In fact it competes with some shade from trees too.
What I also want you to see in this photo is the wisteria has climbed toward the sun and this grand old vine completely covers the patio roof - thus getting more sun than in its earlier years.
To answer your specific question, I am sure your wisteria will do fine. Just make sure you control where you want it to go over the life of the plant.