This peach is aproxamately the size of a softball at ripen, it is a white meat and not nearly as sweet as the golden meated peaches. It also is a freestone and has an abundance of juice to each fruit.
I am sugar sensitive and cannot eat the regular "golden meats" in any quantity. These wonderful peaches were so much less sweet that I could enjoy a whole peach right from the tree. I do so miss this fruit and would greatly appreciate any information I could get re guarding it.
Thank you for your time and efforts, sincerely, Lisa - Boley, OK
P.S. The regular Large Elberta peach in your listing greatly resembles my peach.
Lisa, I am puzzled by your question and observations. As a rule of thumb, white flesh peaches are very sweet, soft and watery (abundance of juice) and for the most part less flavorful that yellow peaches. On the opposite end, yellow fleshed peaches generally have more flavor and are more firm. Some yellow peaches are very 'acidic' and have a strong flavor but not as much sweetness. These are the kind my father likes to eat. Other peaches tend to be more on the sweet side, less sub-acid and sometimes softer and juicier. My preferences lean to the sweeter choices. Thus I am confused by your sugar sensitivity and aversion to yellow peaches when it is the white fleshed peaches that should cause a bigger problem.
To my knowledge all the Elberta and similarly Elberta-named peaches are yellow fleshed - not white. But they do have great flavor and enough sweetness to make my taste buds very happy.
We used to grow the Hal-berta Giant Peach which was a very large peach with pink blush yellow skin, sweet yellow flesh, freestone and ripened in August. It might be similar to the one you are describing.

These were mostly sold in the northern half of Texas. We discontinued growing it a number of years ago since sales we so small - a shame since I think it was one of the better peaches.
One you might like to try is the Loring Peach which will do in your colder area, has a nice blend of sweet and flavor and even has a nice spring bloom.

I am sure you can find some Loring Peaches in one of the Independent Retail nurseries near you or at least in Oklahoma City.
I hope this has been of some help.