When my father, Bob Ludekens, was on his sales trip to Oklahoma in June, he saw blackberries larger than he had ever seen before.

Jean Snow showing Kiowa Blackberry from 2010 crop.
He had stopped by our long time customer Sorghum Mill Tree and Blackberry Farm in Edmond, Oklahoma. Owner John Knight had shown him these humongous Kiowa Blackberries.

John was kind enough to take these photos last week and send them to us. He commented that these were near the end of season and not as large as the ones Bob was looking at earlier. Clearly, John knows how to grow blackberries! John also said that maybe these photos might be useful to sell more berry plants. I certainly think so - kinda why I'm writing this blog. Thank you John for the photos and permission to use them.

Sales manager Tom Fetch made the comment - "Wow! Blackberries on Steroids" - hence the blog title.

Now I'm getting hungry. Blackberry pie anyone? With Ice Cream? On your morning cereal? With yogurt? Yumm. Off to the pie shop I go....
Ron Ludekens