Linn's in Cambria CA
Every year here in the Central Valley of California the summer temperatures make trips to our beautiful coastline a must for my family. We love the beautiful scenery and the feel of an ocean breeze. We travel from Santa Cruz south to Pismo and all points in between but when we are in close proximity, we always stop at Linn's in Cambria.

If you have never been to Cambria and you are thinking of making a trip to the central coast, you owe it to yourself to stop in and enjoy some of Linn's famous Olallieberry creations. They offer many different selections made with multiple fruits, but their use of the Olallie has brought us back to there restaurant and gift shop time after time. From preserves to muffins to homemade pies, they have made the Olallieberry a favorite in my house.
This year has seen many retail locations selling record numbers of berries and vegetables to consumers that are looking to grow their own food. The health benefits of berries have been well documented and it seems that their popularity will continue to grow as more folks find out about the diverse uses for the fruit. You can prepare these versatile fruits in your favorite recipes or you can enjoy them fresh off of the vine.

Load your family into the car and take a drive to one of the most beautiful areas in California and enjoy yourself! If a trip to Cambria is not in the cards for you at the moment, please visit them at their website, and browse through their offerings. You will not be disappointed!