I have a favorite Flowering Crabapple. When it is in bloom, in my mind nothing compares to it.
Pink Perfection Flowering Crabapple
The Pink Perfection Flowering Crabapple out shines every other tree in our budwood orchard when it is in full bloom. It glows.

This Crabapple is not for everyone or every climate. There is a drawback to the Pink Perfection Flowering Crabapple. It gets scab badly. But that is only an issue of concern if scab is a problem you fight in your area. It is rarely a problem in the arid west. If you do not get scab in your area, I highly recommend this tree.

We have fire blight in our climate and we have not had to spray the Pink Perfection trees as they have not shown any detrimental effects. I hope you give this winner a try.
Ron L.