L.E. Cooke Blog

Tuesday, 22 September 2009 03:00

Vitex agnus-castus

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a.k.a. Chaste Tree, Monk's Pepper, Chaste Berry, Sage Tree, Hemp Tree When I was asked to consider growing Vitex not all that many years ago, I confess I had to look it up. As I read various descriptions, the feature that jumped out at me was the very wide range of climates that this large shrub/small tree grew well in. I remember reading that it had a range from Washington State to the Desert Southwest…
Saturday, 12 September 2009 03:00

Seminar: "Your Sustainable Backyard - Fruit Trees"

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  On what was supposed to be a hot Friday in August, I had the pleasure of participating in the first, hopefully annual, seminar presented by the California Center for Urban Horticulture, "Your Sustainable Backyard: Fruit Trees"   This event sold out very fast.  I would guess that this is mainly due to the huge amount of interest in fruit that is happening right now, and partially because the event was held off of the…
Thursday, 10 September 2009 03:00

Stop! Is That a Pomegranate?

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"Stop!  Is that a Pomegranate?" Yesterday, Lloyd, Tom and I took a buyer around the fields from one of the nationally recognized wholesale nurseries.  Of course we were all looking at the shades and ornamental trees - things that they buy.  They were not looking for fruit trees (although in today's economy they were wistfully wishing they were). (1/4 mile long rows of 2 year pomegranates) As we entered another one of the fields, the…
Monday, 19 October 2009 03:00

Massively Fruiting Granny Smith Spur Apple

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I have got to show you this tree!  Not too impressed?  OK, I should have said the fruit on the tree: Every year at the end of October or early November I bring visitors and staff to see the Granny Smith Spur Apple.  Take a look under/inside the tree: It fruits like crazy!  Perfect, juicy, tangy, Granny Smith Apples.  Look at how loaded it is.  And you have to remember that this tree had most…
Tuesday, 08 September 2009 03:00

Champagne Peach

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Champagne Peaches!     Every year I await the coming of August and mourn its passing because it is the month that my favorite peach ripens.  If you like sweet, juicy, white peaches then the Champagne is for you.  Just save some for me.     It is good enough to pick and eat while standing next to the tree or you can take things a step further and use it to make multiple culinary…
Tuesday, 01 September 2009 03:00

Making Ice Cream

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Most years we participate in Reedley College's intern program where foreign students come to learn about horticulture and farming practices.   During the summer, teams of 3 to 5 students work at several different places getting hands-on training. This July we had four students from Honduras join us for three weeks. Very delightful and smart kids. My father oversaw their training with frequent classroom (conference room) training and hands on experience in many facets of the…
Monday, 31 August 2009 03:00

Peach Ice Cream

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This is a catch up blog from July - been traveling too much to keep up to date. Photo is of Lloyd Cassidy (Northern California Territory Manager) picking tree ripened peaches (and apricots and nectarines) to make home made peach ice cream for our office potluck.  FYI - we only hire people who can cooke (pun intended). This budwood orchard is one of several around the nursery.  Right next to the main office is the…
Monday, 24 August 2009 03:00

From Valley to Mountains to Valley Again

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I scheduled too much for today and did not think it possible to really do - or at least do well.  My goal was to visit every customer from Central Point/Medford Oregon through Mount Shasta, California.  Ten visits and surprisingly no tickets later I am in Redding (hot - already miss the Oregon weather!).  Unfortunately a few owners were not it, so a few visits were shorter than desired - allowing me to get to…
Saturday, 22 August 2009 03:00

Farwest Show

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Mike Spratley and I finished the Farwest Trade Show last Thursday through today (Saturday).  As usual, met a lot of old friends and made a few new ones.  I decided you did not need a photo of us standing in our booth so I didn't take one.  As for the show, it was the first time I have been disappointed in this show - it clearly reflected the economy.  What I missed most was all…
Monday, 17 August 2009 03:00

A Garden or a Garden Center?

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Today I was again dumbfounded by a hidden gem of a nursery, far from the normal flow of traffic. Singing Tree Gardens was supposed to be closed today but I thought I would drive by to take a look anyway.  Fortunately, the gate was open waiting for a service company and I drove in.  Otherwise I could not see the nursery from the road because of a long, winding driveway.  I am thankful that Don…
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