L.E. Cooke Blog

Wednesday, 02 December 2009 02:00

4-N-1 Combination Apples and Pears

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4-N-1 Combination Fruit trees are popular - in spite of their cost.  Let me tell you a little about the extra work that goes into making these premium trees. Here is a row of Cold Climate 4-N-1 Apples First, you will notice they are widely spaced in the row.  To get a well balanced head, we cannot plant them 6 to 9 inches apart. There is care in where the buds are placed on the…
Monday, 30 November 2009 02:00

Field Walk - Finished Fruit Trees

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Two Saturdays ago (11/14/09) I took my camera for a walk through one of our fruit tree production fields. This is a two year field with one year tops. Here is some of what I saw - a very pleasing field even for my critical eye. The first section is in the Cherry block.Bing Cherries - Standard Semi-Dwarf Black Tartarian Cherries Black Tartarian Cherries - Standard Montmorency Cherries Rainier Cherries - StandardSemi-Dwarf Cherry Block Semi-Dwarf…
Friday, 27 November 2009 02:00

Autumn Blaze Flowering Pear Fall Color

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  The Autumn Blaze Flowering Pear happens to be my favorite of the Calleryana Pears.  This photo simply shows why. On the left is Aristocrat Flowering Pear and the colorful row on the right is Autumn Blaze.  It colors up magnificently every year - both in the cold winter areas but also in the mild winter areas like San Diego.  It's fall colors are the earliest and the best of the pears that we grow…
Wednesday, 25 November 2009 02:00

Thanksgiving Apple Pie

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Earlier I wrote about the Massively Fruiting Granny Smith Spur Apple.   Today I get to show the real benefits of this tree.       Granny Smith Apples are not only great for fresh eating - they are excellent for making pies. The apple peeler is a life saver -  more pies for less work! The best part of my job is eating the desserts.  The hardest part is going to the gym later.   Seconds…
Monday, 23 November 2009 14:11

Almonds for Tennessee

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Question: What are your recommendations for an almond tree that produces nuts in the Knoxville, TN area? The UT Extension does not recommend. I heard the tree would grow but not produce nuts in my area. Answer: Your University of Tennessee Extension is basically correct. Almonds bloom early in the spring - so early that the typical Tennessee late frosts wipe out most of the blooms or juvenile fruits. Tennessee seems to get some nice…
Friday, 20 November 2009 00:14

Pomegranate Juicer

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Question: I have been looking for a stainless steel hand held pomegranate press...it looks like a giant garlic press...Only one store in Yuba City carried it, Harpers Ferry. They no longer carry it...I want to make my own jelly but am not able to locate one. I don't want a commerical electric juicer because I was told that the seeds would only ruin the juicer and too much of the seed would be chipped and…
Friday, 20 November 2009 00:04

Caring for a Japanese (UME) Apricot

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Question: how to take care for japanese apricot? Answer: The Japanese Apricot Tree (Ume) is generally speaking a low-maintenance tree. Therefore simple general care is recommended. If you are buying and planting a dormant, bare root tree dig a hole twice the width of the roots and just as deep. Place the tree and back fill the soil, watering as you go to settle out any air pockets. You will not need to water again…
Thursday, 19 November 2009 23:27

Green Seedless Grapes

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Dear Sir/Madam,Question: I would like to grow table grapes. I would like to know the name of the large white sweet seedless grape. Is it Autumn seedless or another variety?RegardsJohn Answer: There are a lot of green (white) seedless grapes - the most well known being Thompson Seedless. It would help to know where you are located so the right one(s) could be recommended for your climate. Here are the Green Seedless Grapes that we…
Thursday, 19 November 2009 22:54

Western Schley Pecan Pollinizer

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Question: I have a 15 year old, healthy Western Schley pecan tree . It has never produced more than a couple handfuls of nuts. What variety would you suggest to help pollinate, I live east of clovis. Also, what local nursery sells your pecan trees? Thanks. Answer: For our western, arid climate, the best pollinator for Western Schley Pecan is Witchita Pecan. I will have the sales representative for your area contact you via email…
Thursday, 19 November 2009 22:40

EZ-Pick Avocado Trees?

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Greetings,Question: I really like the idea of EZ Pick trees. For us vertically challenged, it sounds convenient as heck.I have one question though, at least for now. Have you ever tried pruning Avocado Trees to create an EZ Pick tree? If so, were you successful?Thanks very much,MC Answer: I cannot claim to know much about Avocado trees. We do not grow them since they do not go dormant and everything we grow is deciduous. On…
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