L.E. Cooke Blog

Thursday, 12 August 2010 03:00

How Much Sun for Wisteria?

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Question:  how many hours of full sun is minimum for Cookes Purple Wisteria. I want to plant along a porch but it is shaded in morning. Valerie - Clearlake, CA   Answer:  Wisteria thrives in full sun.  That being said, I often see it planted on stout patio canopies and Arbors where it only gets sun half the day - the house or building shading it the rest of the day. Here is an example:…
Thursday, 12 August 2010 03:00

Identifying Unknown Peach

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Question:  Previously I lived in W. Texas and had an orchard. I did not plant this orchard, so I don't know where the tree's came from. I had a peach tree that was reported to be a "Giant Elberta" white meat, freestone. I cannot find a listing anywhere that comes close to this, except possibly one on your site. This peach is aproxamately the size of a softball at ripen, it is a white meat…
Monday, 09 August 2010 03:00

Kiowa Blackberries - On Steroids?

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When my father, Bob Ludekens, was on his sales trip to Oklahoma in June, he saw blackberries larger than he had ever seen before. Jean Snow showing Kiowa Blackberry from 2010 crop. He had stopped by our long time customer Sorghum Mill Tree and Blackberry Farm in Edmond, Oklahoma.   Owner John Knight had shown him these humongous Kiowa Blackberries. John was kind enough to take these photos last week and send them to us.  He…
Friday, 09 July 2010 03:00

Thumbs Up

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Today we culminated a week of sales training with a walk through the fields and budwood orchards. As we passed the ripe Donut (Saturn) Peaches and were refreshing ourselves with their sweet, sugery goodness, I recalled a conversation I had with a customer earlier this year in Texas.  As I was describing the improvement of size and flavor of the Galaxy Peach over the Donut Peach, he commented, "can you pop the seed out of…
Tuesday, 22 June 2010 03:00

No One Leaves Blue

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 Front Page News - Very Delicious  Denise Fugate, owner of Primarily Perennials by Denise, picks blueberries. Porterville Recorder Photo by Reneh Agha We were pleased to see one of our customers featured in a front page article of the Porterville Recorder.  Read Article here.  Well done and likely to drive many customers to their location.  Congratulations Denise! Title, article and photos © by Porterville Recorder  
Tuesday, 22 June 2010 03:00

Lilac Posters - Pre-Selling Idea

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      In recent years I have had mixed feeling about our Lilac Poster.  This poster was the first (and so far only) poster we have made and I had high expectations for it back in the days before we even had a website.  It was originally received well and continues to be received well for the ones we still give out.  After all, photos are always in demand and help sell products. But…
Thursday, 10 June 2010 03:00

L.E. Cooke In The News

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I really appreciated Nursery Management Production magazine and Kelli Rodda for the cover exposure and nicely written story in the April 2010 issue of NM-Pro magazine. The article was concisely written and conveyed accurately the "flavor" (pun intended) of what we are about. Of course they might have hurt their magazine circulation with these rough looking guys on the cover. Here is the article: NM-Pro Article By the way, that is a Mexican Redbud we…
Friday, 14 May 2010 12:43

Cherries in Dallas Area

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Question: Hello..I am interested in growing cherry trees in my orchard in the Dallas area. My favorites are the Rainier cherry & the Bing cherry. I am interested in puchasing them from you, but I was wondering if you know how well they will grow in my area.Please let me know. Lance Answer: I wish I could give you a confident "go ahead" but I cannot. Over the years I have had wholesale growers in…
Wednesday, 12 May 2010 10:14

Fruit on Flowering Plums

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Question: Can I eat the fruit from a Prunus C. KRAUTER VESUVIUS TREE? Lena - Las Vegas Short Answer: To my knowledge it won't hurt you - but I do not think you would like it. So I would not eat it and toss it out. Long Discussion: Let me expand on the topic of fruit on purple leaf flowering plums. For the most part, we (you buyers and us growers) do not like to…
Monday, 10 May 2010 10:52

Pomegranates in North Texas

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Question: 1) Does Pomegranate grow well in Dallas, Texas?2) I would like to grow the "big" fruit of Pomegranate, which type of Pomegranate do you recommend? I saw on your web site and there are several of them?3) Which nurseries are your vendors?Thank you very much for your time. Tho - Dallas Texas Answer:Not really, in my opinion. I do not recommend them for your area. There are several issues of concern - any of…
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